15 Jun Baby Steps
Honestly, this is a period when many doubts, uncertainties, and confusion assail me around my choices of how to proceed with the self-publishing adventure. It’s time to apply the self-loving principles I teach as a part of my healing practice!
I’ll listen to my intuition. I’ll trust my inner sense. I know that I have something of value to share with you. I can see it’s all connected and deeply intertwined: my writing, my healing practice, my learning curve as a self-publisher, and my everyday family life! So, I’ll write about all that.
We’re in the process of creating a new webpage – coming soon! The big question is whether to present all of my writing there, even the drafts that will be coming out gradually over the following years, or will that bring about too much confusion? I’d really like to share with you the whole process, the path I’m walking, and my dreams and visions. That wouldn’t be complete without showing you the whole picture of what I’m creating and getting ready to publish. I’m sure my web designer and I will find a way.
Meanwhile, I’m going through Mark Dawson’s Ads for Authors course. My perfectionist nature, or behavior pattern, keeps telling me that it’s all too much for me to learn and understand, but I’ll not take it seriously. Any piece of information I can put to good use will make a difference, I’m sure. Next stop is using ads on Facebook for building my mailing list. For that, I’ll need something to offer in exchange. I’ll prepare a couple of my books for you – more on that next week.
Let me end by expressing how exciting it is to be at this place in my life! It feels as if my dreams are coming true. I’m grateful.
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