
Big Bang Launch

Yes, it’s true. I’ve done it. On 11/11, I’ve launched two of my books, Sen, Sanja, and the Cube of Runes, and Orion. Both are available as ebooks and paperbacks on Amazon for now and other platforms are coming soon. Cassiopeia, book 2 in Ink by Star series, is scheduled for 12/11, and book 3, Andromeda, for 1/11 next year. The Snowflake is coming on 12/12 — but I still have to format it properly for Kindle and learn the ropes of Lightning Spark to publish it as a pretty hardcover.

Honestly, my feelings are mixed about the launch. I’ve been envisioning this for many months and now it’s not as expected. There are no fireworks. Mostly because there is so much work to do that the priorities are strict. No time to go around and tell everybody about my big bang launch. And yet, that is exactly what I should be doing.

So what is going on? Well, the inertia of overthinking and overplanning it all is taking its toll on me. The decision I made a couple of weeks ago to stop waiting and just launch is still sound. It feels I’ve done the right thing, the best I could. Let me stay with that sentiment then.

What does seem promising is that quite spontaneously I joined a group promo on BookFunnel and it’s already bringing in subscribers. The total is 52 now. I do miss more contact, a closer look to see how many of my subscribers have downloaded the free starter library and read the books — and, hopefully, enjoyed them! But I’m a patient man and we’ll see. Feedback is forthcoming.

What’s next? There is no spacetime to present to you my complete todo list. Just the next few steps will have to do. 

Well, I’ll have to keep building my mailing list, that’s the number one priority. First, I’ll create some time to manually email my real-life friends (as opposed to the yet unknown Facebook friends) and let them know what I’m up to. I’ll invite them to come and support me. Then, I’ll start with some Facebook ads and other promotional giveaways. Once I reach about 500 subscribers, I’ll proceed to the next phase — inviting them/you to become a member of my ART, Advanced Readers Team.

And, I’ll try to sell some books! There have been no sales yet in the three days the books are available — there is no such thing as an organic sale, I guess. There are over 5 million books on Amazon alone and lots of them are good books. How can readers find my books? I’ll write more about that next week.

So, congratulations to me and all of you out there, my past, present, and future readers, ART members, fans, and dear co-creative friends!

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