
On Course

It’s been a week. I have so many news to share with you that my mind went blank. I must remind myself to breathe deeply and take baby steps. It doesn’t have to be perfect, right?
Alright, so just a couple of things. I’ve been working hard for many moons now to learn the ropes of self-publishing. I’m grateful to many who share their experiences and especially to Mark Dawson who is doing this the way I would, transparently and generously. Just last night I enrolled in his flagship course and I’m looking forward to studying it thoroughly.
When I first decided to become a full-time author, I worried a lot about finding an agent and getting published. Self-publishing seemed almost a failure. But today I see it quite differently. In fact, self-publishing is the way to go these days. Why? I’ll write more about that as I go. I’ll report of my progress. Let’s just say that it feels great to have all the creative freedom and the power of choice. Since my vision is to open up and sincerely connect to you, I can do that much more directly and naturally as an indie author.
Where am I at the moment? On course! I have a few books completed and ready to roll out with a bunch to follow soon as sequels or standalone works. I’m getting ready to build my mailing list and invite you to my advanced reader team so I can share my upcoming books before they’re even available on Amazon and then kindly ask you for reviews. But first I need my new webpage. And I’m delighted to say that my friend and designer Ksenija has created the most beautiful cover art which depicts perfectly my turbulent yet peaceful creative nature!
Stay tuned, more coming soon.
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